Here is a list of documents/files I've written.
Hardware/Embedded Tech
Windows API (Win32/Winapi) Stuff
- win32.c - Empty Win32 program in C. Creates an empty window, and sets up a basic message loop.
- win32x.c - Trival Win32 program in C that demonstrates various controls. Creates window with several controls, complete with an operable button.
- win32.asm - Empty Win32 program in x86 Assembly (MASM). Creates an empty window, and sets up a basic message loop.
- flash.c - Win32 program that flashes the screen white for a second, then fades to normal. Demonstrates some of the Extended Window Styles and Win32 Timers.
- win32_hello.c - Interactive "Hello World", where the user is greeted by the name entered. Uses a button, an edit box, and shows the answer in a message box.
- win32_convhex.c - Converts the entered text to hex, in a GUI.
- testdll.c - A Test RunDLL32 DLL in C that can be compiled with Tiny C Compiler or Visual C++.
- testdll.cpp - C++ Version of testdll.c.
- web.c - A small win32 sample program that uses WinINet to download something over HTTP.
- tonegen.c - A small win32 piano program that generates frequencies when buttons are pressed. Some changes are needed to deal with synchronization when filling buffers. To compile with Tiny C Compiler, use this slightly edited mmsystem.7z that disables some unions that TCC's inbuilt libraries don't agree with.
Network stuff
When I was trying to learn about multicast programming, I couldn't find any
working example code anywhere, so I'll leave this here in case it helps someone.
General Computer Documents
Other Documents
Online Programs